Friday, August 20, 2010

Going Through the Baby Clothes

Just going through Natalie's baby clothes. And you know, making a path through the upstairs with them.

I can't believe how stained everything is! I need to be better about bibs this time around or something.
Seems like it takes huge messes to keep the kids entertained. Worth it for the most part.


Jenny and Jake said...

Going through baby clothes, always a fun project and always on my list:) You have some great posts Jess, I loved the dollhouse one! Madison keeps talking about Natalie lately and want her to come and play!

stevenellie said...

I hear ya about the stains. I'm all about the drool bibs this time around.

Tina said...

Going through baby clothes is one of my most favorite things to do right before the baby comes. It gets me sooooo excited. Especially the really small outfits. Oooh, how much longer do you have? When are you due again? September?

Gazdik Family said...

Jess, you know, I think we all love your posts because you are a poet at heart. They are very real, very humorus and beautifully put. How did you come up with the doll house bit?

Anonymous said...

I feel you on the stained clothes bit. What happens is you put them away clean, but the stains gradually come back so years later the clothes look way worse than they did before. Mackenzie was a major spitter so I'm dreading this chore. The time is at hand, though!

Unknown said...

seriously my kids would do the exact same thing!! i swear we are related somehow. I feel like I am looking at my life through your blog sometimes! Only I wish I lived in Vegas and had a big house...but nope.