Sunday, August 29, 2010

Celebrating Natalie

Happy Birthday Miss Natalie!

Natalie made her big 9 lb 3 oz entrance into this world 3 years ago.
and 1...
POOF! All of the sudden I have this beautiful, fun little girl to brighten each of my days.

About our Natalie:

-Still VERY attached to a pink blanket that is turning a grayish color and acquiring new stains daily
-LOVES her milk, especially in a sippy cup
-still wears a bib at mealtimes, which is good...she is a pretty messy eater
-still wakes up a couple times a go to the bathroom and for other random reasons
-loves strawberries, cheese, spaghetti, smoothies, Life cereal, bananas, burritos, ketchup, olives
-has really started to do a lot of pretend play which is so nice
-will start preschool next week...she loves that her name starts with the same letter as her daddy's
-does great at church in Nursery
-likes to cuddle and make pretend beds around the house
-loves to go hiking and birdwatching with her dad
-she is very active and athletic
-she always has and still does LOVE dogs, doggies, puppies
-doesn't have a real love for princesses and things like that, but she will happily play with most anything
-loves to play with Play-Doh, especially with little hard animals to hide inside
-loves to be read to and to sit and "read" to herself
-favorite treat is chocolate, probably M&Ms
-likes to come lie by me in bed in the mornings
-not a big breakfast girl

I hate that it's so difficult to put a child's personality into words...but that list's my best attempt. Natalie, we couldn't love more. You bring us so much happiness and know you always will!


Heather said...

I'm so happy I know Natalie. Please give her an extra scoop of birthday ice cream from me!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy 3 years sweet girl! Your grandma loves you so much!

Meggin said...

She is going to be a heart breaker one day, I think. Beautiful girl!

Ashley M said...

Happy Birthday Natalie!

Annie said...

So glad to hear that she hasn't changed too much since you left...even with my prodding and prodding about ponies and princesses. Happy Birthday Natalie!

Shane's Angie said...

There's something about the name that creates such a beautiful girl. Spunky, fun, and just all around darling! How I adore that Natalie (and mine too!)