Wednesday, May 11, 2011

On the Move

Emmy is moving. And pulling herself up on things. She is loving her independence, but then she needs some comfort from mom after exploring or climbing. It's definitely time to lower her crib, put up the baby gates, and hide the Legos. 
She's pretty much ready to conquer the world.
*** I know you laughed***


Melinda said...

I did. I like Natalie's expression like "yeah, I taught her that."

Anonymous said...

I love how she just thinks she's as big as any of the kids. So cute when they play together. Love the hair coming in. I hope it comes in just like yours...Don King extrodinaire!

Unknown said...

I swear you and I are so much alike...I have both of those shirts for Kambryn that your girls are wearing. Your kids are so adorable!