Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Red Rock Hike

 Last Saturday night we met up with the Ackley's (the awesome family that Nate baptized a few weeks ago) at Raising Cane's for dinner. I don't think we've eaten there since we lived in Ohio. After stuffing ourselves with chicken, fries, and Texas toast, we headed to Red Rock for a short hike.

The older I get, the more time I want to spend doing things like this. It's just good for the soul. 

We started the hike around 6, and it was a beautiful time of day to be at Red Rock.

We'd heard there were some little frogs in the area, so we focused on finding the jumpy guys.

Leave it to dad to actually catch one. 

This was one of those moments when I had to just let the kids be kids even though it made me nervous. I can be a little overly cautious at times. I figured worst case scenario is someone breaks a leg and even those heal eventually. :)

The temperature was just perfect. Good thing, because we left our waters at the car. That was frustrating. We got back to the car just as it was getting dark, and it was fun to see the desert at that time of day. 

1 comment:

Kami said...

So fun and beautiful!BFF.