Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Weekend (Saturday)

Wow, it makes me kind of tired just looking at what we did over Easter weekend. We packed a lot in. Which usually means I am dealing with laundry and a messy house for days after. Saturday morning we did Easter baskets, and Emmy needed a little help finding hers. Nate said he was pretty sure the Easter bunny left a scent, so they followed it to her basket.

Found it.

We had decided the night before to go to Gettysburg on Saturday. Baby will be here in just a few weeks, so we are trying to do as much as possible before then and before we move later this summer. We could have spent a lot more time there, but we really enjoyed the hours we had. Jansen really got into the war thing...I think he is shooting a gun in at least half of these pictures. I like seeing the history come to life for them.

We had Subway for lunch (when we walked in Jansen dramatically expressed how AMAZING it smelled in there), and then grabbed some ice cream at a fun little place. We did a little more sightseeing from the car, and then headed back home. Nate and I had plans to go to dinner that night without the kids.

We used a gift card we had been given and ate at Morton's Steakhouse in Georgetown. This will probably be our last date for awhile!

I had to include this one since we can all be pretty sure Nate was looking at a bird.

Beautiful Georgetown sunset

I will be 36 weeks in a couple days! That's when my water broke with Jansen, but I know not to expect that  again since the others were at 39 and 40 weeks. So, one of my ears is totally plugged (and infected Nate discovered tonight) and the other partially. That feeling when you are on an airplane and are waiting for your ear to pop...my ear feels like that 99% of the day. It is driving me CRAZY, and I can't hear great. It's most likely because of the water I am retaining. Sweet. I feel like I'm in my own little world, and I am constantly reminding the kids they can't yell to me from upstairs because I cannot tell what they are saying. :)


Bethany said...

Hey, I know that the ear thing is probably annoying and painful, but a little bit isn't it also great? I mean, I'd love to imagine a world where I am in ignorant blissful SILENCE! :)

Hang in there!

megandjon said...

you are getting so close! are you so excited? i'm glad you are getting in lots of dates and outings. its hard to believe your year there is almost coming to an end. thanks for going to so many awesome historical sites so i can live vicariously through you guys!

also, nate sniffing for the easter bunny is priceless. love it.

Kendra said...

Love the "bird looking" picture! Yeah you are almost done! So excited for you!

And yeah for going to cool places. I can't wait to take my kids there one day!

Kami said...

Ugh! I hate that you have that ear thing... I can't imagine dealing with that. You are a total babe on your date night. Love your outfit. Love that picture of Nate looking at a bird. Love Nate helping Emmy find her basket. And I'm so glad you got to go to Gettysburg. So fun!

The Sullivan Family said...

Do you know what I see when I look at your pictures and see your blog? Magic. I see magic. I see a childhood with all sorts of adventures and memories, with wind and sun :) You need both to truly have an adventure! Thank you for documenting this, your kids will be so thankful, and I just love it too (Even if I don't always comment! But, now my ipad has a keyboard, so it's easier!)