Friday, April 27, 2012

Resident Retreat

A week ago Nate had a resident retreat with the other 2nd year residents he works with at Nellis. Families were invited, but I am still completely against camping overnight with a child Emmy's age. He begged me to let him take all 3 kids with him (and I could stay home), but I just could not in good conscience let him do it.  I did consider it, and even asked everyone's opinion on Facebook. We got mixed reactions. :) I felt like 3 kids is hard to keep track of even with both parents around...and Emmy would be a lot of work, thus detracting from the fun the older kids could have with Nate. So Nate set off for Valley of Fire with just Jansen and Natalie. 
Just today Jansen's teacher mentioned that he told her ALL about why strawberry marshmallows are not ideal for s'mores. And lots and lots of other information about strawberry marshmallows.
Natalie doesn't seem to have any problem with the marshmallows.
 Natalie snoozing away in the tent.
 I guess the story with this picture is that the kids were trying to pile the rocks high enough to help them climb into the little cave you can see above them.
Nate caught Jansen at just the right moment in this one.
 The kids had a blast, but sometimes you've just had enough. I hope Jansen and Natalie are old enough to be storing away all these fun memories with their dad.


Grandma said...

I am so proud of you guys. What a neat experience and memory builder for a family. Grandpa would be so happy to see what you are doing. Ilove you all.

Kami said...

So fun! Strawberry marshmallows sounds SO good right now.

kelsadkins said...

Your Facebook post really did yield a lot of reactions, didn't it?! I think this was the perfect compromise! :) The photo of Jansen in awe of that cave is priceless!

Julia said...

Oh, you are making me seriously miss the west with these beautiful photos! What a fun trip!