Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Can't Forget About the Party

What on earth were we thinking?
All three of our children's birthdays are going to be within a 30 day spread.
I will be one worn out momma come the end of September every year.
Getting to the point...we had a birthday party for Jansen and it went great. Glad it's over, simply so I don't have to think about it anymore, but he loved it.

It was a construction themed party...Jansen didn't really have a choice in the matter. I found the yellow hard hats in the early summer and made the decision for him. Here's the cake:
We had brown bag know, just like construction workers. Of course pretty much just the Cheetos and Hi-C got eaten.
Just a TEENY bit of excitement going on here:
And featuring a brave dad...
I totally miscalculated how much I had put in the pinata, and each kid went home with a load of junk and treats. I think my relationship with their mothers has been affected.
As for our third September birthday...I'm thinking I might be induced next week. Which kind of freaks me out. I'll let you know what we decide.


kiki comin said...

yep, the boys are still eating treats from their hats. they had such a blast!

Lara said...

Looks like such a fun party!

Good luck with your decision, the last part is always the worst..being induced sounds so tempting after 38+ weeks!

Unknown said...

Next week? Wow!!! That is great!
and great job on the party. What a cute little dude that Jansen is!

Kara said...

So clever, love his cake. I guess you guys will just have to start saving for December and September.
And DO IT...I want to see this new little lady!

Annie said...

Such a cute party. You are such a good mom. I also cannot wait to see this new little baby!

Melinda said...

I thought you raided the pinata? Such a cute party, the cake especially. You should get induced. Nothing beats the convenience of a planned babysitter, calm drive to the hospital, securely placed epidural...etc. But that's just my opinion. :) Either way, I can't wait to see your cute little mini-Jessica.

Tina said...

What a great cake!! I love it! Jacob's party is next Saturday and I'm so not into planning it and I usually am so it's a little stressful. Sounds like Jansen's party was a HUGE success.
Good luck with the induction!! How exciting that you could be holding your baby girl in a week!!!

Bethany said...

What a darling party!!

So, have you ever been induced before? I was once. With Cody. I HATED it and would never do it again. I'd suffer through those last agonizing-and yes, we all know they're agonizing-days or weeks. My personal and exceedingly humble opinion. :)

Sara said...

Cute party Jess! And I can't believe that your about to have this baby already! Can't wait to see her. Good luck with delivery:)

Kati said...

Jantzen had a lot of fun at the party, so thanks again for inviting him. He's still playing with the lizards and frogs!

Good luck with being induced, I was with my last two. It was scary to think about, but was so nice when it was over. If you need anything let us know.

Ellie said...

creative lady you are! wish you luck next week, i am sure you and fam are anxious to see the wee one soon. =)

Shane's Angie said...

The overstuffed pinata is not your fault. Overdoing is genetic. Ask Robin.
The idea for a construction birthday is absolutely darling, and that cake is to die for. You are beyond creative and I miss you like heck.
Also, the pic of Nate holding the pinata looks like the beginning of a clip from Funniest Home Videos.
I can't believe Jansy Pants is such a big boy :)

The Teeples said...

OH My Darling party. I absolutely love the cake. You creative little thing. I have been checking your blog as often as possible to see if this little Nye has shown up yet. Still praying for ya. Can't wait to see her.

Love ya

Cara said...

What a CUTE cake! And the "birthday zone" tape--all very cool! With K's b-day in Sept. and J's, N's, and the babe's, we should just go to Disneyland next year and celebrate all 4 of theirs at once. Or do a really cool Vegas or UT party...anything will do. So glad we live a teensy bit closer to you guys.

thedeanfamily said...

I totally feel for you, we are in the same boat! Looks like your party was a success! Congrats on the baby, so happy to see you had a beautiful, healthy little girl!