Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Totally Better Late Than Never

Our anniversary was May 7, and we were packed in a moving truck heading across the country at that time. We decided we would just celebrate June 7. Well, June 7 came along and I think that day we both just kind of looked at each other and said, "Oh yeah, we were going to celebrate our marriage today." It wasn't much of a celebration. We made up for it though. This past weekend we went to the Venetian in downtown Las Vegas and saw Phantom of the Opera. We both absolutely loved it. 

But this was also the fateful night that someone asked me if I was having twins. I guess there might be another nine pounder growing in there. I'm coming up on 30 weeks, and I vacillate between wanting her here and out so badly and being so grateful she is safely and quietly contained inside me.


Unknown said...

holy crap jess you look great! and 30 weeks already! yay! you just need to pregnant-lady-slap the crap out of who ever asked if you were having twins!
Happy late anniversary!

J & M Squared said...

You are so beautiful!!

Annie said...

What in the heck, twins!? Who is this lunatic that gave you a totally unwarranted complex. Insanity I tell you. You look fantastic. Your face hasn't even gotten fat yet. Your nose is it's normal size. You haven't had to put your wedding ring on a chain. Your bummy is still rock hard. You are looking hot. Don't let the crazies get you down. Are you holding your ear in the last picture with my SE (you know what that stands for though I can maybe let it go this once since she watched your kids.)

Monica said...

Twins?!? Yeah, right. You look so good. And you look so stunning in these pictures! Seriously. You have the glow. :)

Melinda said...

Um, that person must have been crazy. You do not even look 30 weeks for having one baby! You look so good. And I'm so glad you enthusiastically celebrated your marriage...eventually. :)

Tina said...

You are seriously so gorgeous, glowing and looking amazing!!! I love that shirt, the necklaces, the whole outfit. You look better pregnant than I do on a regular day not pregnant. I hope you had a wonderful night with Nate!!!!

Kami said...

You're a freaking hottie pregnant person... twins or no twins.

David and Kristi Gailey said...

You look adorable! Some people say the dumbest things to pregnant women. They think that it is their place or something. One time while I was shopping a man said I looked like I was going to POP any moment. I felt like it, even though I still had like 8 weeks left. He kept saying comments like: "Don't call the ambulance, she hasn't popped yet." Seriously, you SHOULD have pregnant-lady-slapped the crap out of them. It would have made all of us feel a lot better.

Lindsey said...

Ha Ha Ha. "The fateful night..." Too funny. The person who asked you is crazy and has no idea what they are talking about. You look gorgeous.

Gazdik Family said...

So glad met each other!! It's like Ms.fabulous and Mr.awesome finding each other. I love you two as a couple and all of you as a family. And the happily ever after, too.
Whoever asked you if you were going to have twins....If it was a guy, good luck to his wife.

R said...

You are so cute!
Seriously, you are one of the cutest pregnant women. It suits you. You look glamorous and glowing. So glad you could see that show. I love it too!

Nollie said...

Amen to all the previous comments. Twins - seriously? What was that person smoking? You do NOT look even remotely oversized, more radiant and picture perfect pregnant. Glad you got to celebrate with such a fun night!

Anonymous said...

Boy.....yoy......yoing.....! You look hot. And let's be honest. I look more pregnant than you do.......and I haven't been pregnant for over 4 years.......yikes.