Saturday, December 12, 2009

Rubber Face in a Food Court

My mom says she (meaning Natalie) has a rubber face. I think she is right. Check out this collection from a couple nights ago:

Oh, and one of him because I love him too.

You'd think if you went to the mall to get your picture taken with Santa you would, well, get your picture taken with Santa. My kids would have none of it. Was I surprised? Not in the least. But we saw him and that's always a little magical. I took all these pictures in a food court at the mall. I have many fond memories of mall food courts: my love for Chik-Fil-A's Polynesian sauce blossomed in one, I saw Afraid-of-Hawk in one (don't google that in hopes of seeing him, it's just a name I made up for a strange man I met once), and a food court is also where I made a wrong choice and chose walnuts as a topping on a favorite ice cream.
And a funny thing about the food court in our mall out here, there's a Vanity right smack in the middle of all the food options. It's so weird. I have wondered how they got stuck with that piece of land.


Lindsey said...

I forgot about Afraid-of-Hawk.

And do the clothes in Vanity stink?

Shane's Angie said...

I want to know about Afraid-of-Hawk, desperately.

I love ole "rubber face" she makes me smile goofy too.

I think if I were a Vanity worker, I'd enjoy being in the food court. Free samples of greasy orange chicken whenever you feel like it. Yum.

Annie said...

Rubber face, that is funny. I just love that Natalie. She is full of so much spunk, just like her momma. Do you think it's a problem that it is 12:18AM and I am still awake and commenting on your blog? What is wrong with me!?

Monica said...

Love her. Seriously, she is such a doll. Also, thanks for joining us. Fun night.. especially the fact that we didn't have to cook a meal. :)

Anonymous said...

Jansen's pictures are always so normal, which makes Natalie's all the better. Watch for package! Love you. Mom.

Anonymous said...

Until I read some comments I was picturing a bathroom vanity (you know, sink and mirror) and I though wow, that really is weird. Guess I don't go to the mall much.

kiki comin said...

i love that little rubber face.

Kent and Leisy said...

I love chik-fil-a. and that polynesian sauce, mmmm.

Kami said...

Natalie is adorable! Jansen's eyes are AMAZING! And I love Chick Fil A too!