Saturday, February 21, 2009

All Better

Around 10:00 last night Jansen woke up crying. He was really upset, impossible to console, and kept curling up in a ball and uncurling and just in a lot of pain. He went back and forth between telling us his head hurt and that his tummy hurt. He wanted "it" to stop hurting so badly and would ask me to hold him and then would want to be back in his bed and then cried to be held again and back and forth. There was no vomiting or diarrhea or fever which was almost more concerning because if those things were going on we would assume he had a stomach bug...we thought it might be gas but what if it was something more serious? His writhing and crying went on for about an hour and we decided to call our pediatrician. He recommended we take him to the ER (I didn't want to do this...I didn't want to be one of those people who bring their child in for non-serious problems...but on the other hand, it's my child! I definitely wanted to help ease the pain and find out what was wrong.) A friend came over to sit at the house with Natalie while we went to the ER. Jansen really calmed down on our way there and was acting pretty much normal so we turned around and came home. He went back to sleep and slept through the night. We found out this morning what the problem was...ruptured ear drum. I guess he is still too young to describe where his pain is (since we thought it was his tummy) but we're so glad it wasn't something more serious. He's happy as can be today and thankfully we avoided a visit to the ER ($$$) to be told he had an ear infection.

Other recent's not easy or fun to play Chutes and Ladders with an 18 month old.


Annie said...

Oh that's a bummer. I'm glad he's all better though. That Jansen makes for some fun medical experience. Nate is totally going to be ready for whatever comes his way.

Heather said...

Poor guy. Referred pain is common, even among adults, don't worry buddy. It must be the week for close calls to the ER, I almost took Tanner in on Tuesday when my pediatrician told me to. What a rebel. I didn't. Glad I didn't. The threat of IV feeding plus his prescription zofran helped T eat and drink enough to regain the strength to walk.

Shane's Angie said...

Oh how I've missed you over the last week! Such fun things to read about your little clan. Love the Crusty hair. (You know Anthony loved that comment), the heart strawberries were using that idea next year...and so sorry about the ear rupture. We've done that before, it is no fun! Love ya!

Monica said...

So glad that you didn't have to spend the night in the ER. No fun. Also, pic of Natalie on the chutes on ladder game is hilarious. Such a crazzzzzy age.

Jan said...

My husband is coming to Columbus this week for work so if you see a guy that looks like him... it probably is and if you want to buy a security system (I am sure you've been hoping I would ask)... Now is the time! Wish I was coming with him to hang out with you.

kiki comin said...

ummmm..would that explain the missed phone call on friday night? sorry.

Kent and Leisy said...

I hate when I can tell something is terribly wrong with zeb but I just don't know what! it's got to be one of the toughest parts of parenting. oh- and I can't believe you even attempted chutes and ladders with natalie! I haven't even thought about it with zeb :)

The Nye's said...

Poor Jans! That's terrible and scary! Kyle did that the other night. He was out of control and kept saying other things hurt like his tummy and head and then finally he blurted out after about an hour that his ears hurt. It was light a light turned on and he all of a sudden figured it out. The next day he was fine and we didn't hear anything about it again. Wierd!

Nate and Shannon Smith said...

Oh I hate it when they hurt and you don't know what to do for them. I have never felt so helpless. I am glad that he is doing better! Poor parents and Jansen!!

megandjon said...

poor guy! i know that sometimes if i have a sharp pain it makes my stomach hurt and makes me queasy. but it doesn't make it any easier for you to figure out what is really wrong with your baby in the middle of the night! what a scary experience!

i'm glad everyone is all better now!

Laney said...

I made that recipe that you posted, the pasta sauce one with tomatoes and cream- and Henry and Taylor loved it! It may become a family favorite.