These are some pictures Ashley (Nate's friend Pete's wife) took one afternoon at the beach while we were in Ocean Shores. I was cringing most of the time because we were letting Natalie get covered in sand while she was wearing her pajamas. It was, of course, worth it. But just seeing these brings back the memory. She's so happy flinging it everywhere.
Well, this morning Nate left for the hospital a little after 6 am and will be there till at least 7 am tomorrow morning. I am experiencing some mixed emotions as he begins this busy 3rd year. I've spent plenty of nights alone, mostly when he was working for LOOP doing the tissue harvesting, but it doesn't seem to get any easier. I think I handle being alone at night okay but it's lonely, a little scary, and sometimes a juggling act if both kids are having a tough night. This is something I am going to have to deal with and figure out because I am married to a soon to be doctor who is also in the military! Any thoughts (since I know many of you have been through this or are currently going through it) on how to "get used to it?" I have this fear of both my kids getting sick and being up all night, both crying, and I am alone and unable to help both of them at the same time. Is this a crazy fear or has anyone experienced it and survived and can tell me it will all be fine...
call me if you need me..even at 3 am.:) glad you got one night down!
Seriously, did we know what we were getting ourselves in to? The only way I survive is by making sure I get out of the house. We have done McDonalds and Chickfillet because I don't like to cook for just Julia and I and I have to get out of the house. It is nice having lots of good friends around too. You call me whenever you need ANYTHING. I can assure you Bryan probably won't be home and It will be a much needed phone call. I was thinking about you all day yesterday with Nate's first call- and you looked great at church today so it looked like you survived. HOpefully Nate will get more sleep next time so it doesn't steal two full days of the weekend.
Such cute pictures on the beach! Here's a little story that perhaps will help you in your struggles with being a "single mom". There was about a year in our marriage when we lived in Spanish Fork and Shane worked in Draper and he was working for this fledgling company who was just trying to keep afloat. The owners of the company promised Shane and his brother that if they worked hard and long hours, they would be rewarded greatly when the business got on it's feet. Shane would work days at a time. I'm not kidding, he would not even come home. He would just sleep on the couch in the warehouse for a few hours, and then continue to work. One night he was gone and Gracie was just 6 months old and got horribly sick. She was fevering and so limp. I was very close to calling my neighbor to sit with Nattie while I took Grace to the ER because Shane was at least an hour away. Then, I decided to give Gracie a bath. I prayed as hard as I knew how and asked Heavenly Father to bless her because her daddy wasn't home to give her a blessing. As I was holding her in the water she threw up (as Gracie often does) and then promptly fell asleep. Her fever was miraculously gone and she slept til morning. I survived, she survived, and it was good ammunition to convince Shane into leaving the company (who never came through on their promises by the way...) So, there you go. Heavenly Father is watching out for you and your clan, but don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it!
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