Monday, April 7, 2008

The Often Terrible But Also Terrific Twos

  • Jansen has a few funny phrases these days. Somewhere he picked up "Come on!" (Honestly, I really don't think it's from me or Nate.) And he uses it to preface a lot of sentences. Such as:
"Come on, I want chocolate milk!"

"Come on, let's go to the park!"

"Come on, give Natalie to daddy!"

"Come on, let's just run!"

  • Yesterday he said to Nate, "Wanna find me some chocolate?" And he kind of drags out the word chocolate.
  • Last night at dinner Jansen was in rare two year old form (being difficult) and Nate said, "Jansen, you have issues." Jansen replied, "No! I have new shoes! And running shoes!"

  • Also yesterday evening...we were having breakfast burritos for dinner, and I had put some eggs and potatoes on Jansen's plate. I didn't give him a tortilla because he usually won't eat it. When he saw the eggs, potatoes, etc. inside my burrito he said, "I want my eggs to hide in a burrito too!"

  • Our best weapon against his terrible twos is Natalie. If he won't eat or won't do something, we somehow relate it to how we are going to let Natalie eat it then or let Natalie have it...he usually changes his mind real quick.

I found this yesterday while Jansen was having quiet time:
He must need more sleep...I keep finding him zonked out.

And for our last toddler moment, this afternoon he created a "duck nest" from his macaroni and cheese.


Heather said...

He'll be a birder yet! I know what you mean about offering to a younger sibling. It still works with Tanner and he's almost five.

megandjon said...

oh wow! he sure looks comfortable snoozing in that rocking chair! i guess it goes to show that when you are two and tired, anywhere will do!

Ashley M said...

Thanks for the laughs. Pete and I enjoyed the Jansenisms.

kiki comin said...

love the birding pics. this weather is to die for! let's get together!

Unknown said...

I love the use of another child to get Jantsen to do something. Notice I said another child, not just Kambryn. Jantsen has to be the 1st, best, the only one to do anything, I wonder if we are creating a problem that we are going to have to deal with in the future...oh well it works for now!

Shane's Angie said...

"Come on" Jansen, come visit the lolly's in Utah...

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Mary sent me a link to your blog and I'm so excited to see and hear all about you guys! We're expecting, and I hope we get a little boy as cute as Jansen. Actually, we don't find out if it's a boy or a girl until next Friday :) You take great pictures!

Annie said...

We love that Jansen. Don't they say the funniest things? You're either ready to scream from frustration or you're laughing your head off. Or maybe that's just my pregnancy hormones.

The Nye's said...

That duck nest was pretty clever! I can't believe he fell alseep in the chair like that. What a priceless picture!;