"I'm a bridge!"
This is actually a form of a smile...it's some sort of face he came up with while saying, "Cheese!" I got this cute cute apron at a Williams and Sonoma outlet for like $3.50. It's a little big, but he likes to wear it when he helps cook or if he's eating an especially messy meal.
And after weeks of intense training, here is Jansen's somersault.
He needs a 6 foot yellow care bear.
impressive! i too loved the stuffed animal thing when i was little...weird how some things never change, huh!
I love that smile! Very coy of him, the handsome little devil.
Whoo Hoo, yay for Jansy pants and the somersault! I haven't done that for years, and I don't intend to try! I love pictures of kids with their toys, that's a good one! And that face...Evie thinks "smile" means close your eyes, scrunch up your nose, and open your mouth halfway...now the question is, where did she learn that?
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