Friday, February 29, 2008
Natalie at 6 Months
Monday, February 25, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Don't You Hate Trying On Swimsuits?
Can you move? You're blocking my sun.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Little Snow Man
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Good Use of the Laptop
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Lexi, Are You Reading This? There's Only One Way I'll Know...
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Bad Eagle. Bad, Bad Eagle.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
VDay, Etc.
Here are a few more pictures I took while he was here.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Is It Spring Yet?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
What is your spouse's name? Nathaniel Stephen Nye, affectionately known as Nate
How long have you been together? I'm assuming this means married: May 7, 2004! We met January of 2003.
Who eats more? He eats more when we sit down and have a meal, but I snack WAY more than him. I always tease him about the time I wanted some ice cream and I asked him if he wanted some. He said, "No thanks. I think I'll just have an apple." PLEASE. If you piled up all the food we have eaten in a lifetime I think mine would be bigger.
Who said 'I Love You' first? He did. I think I said it right back, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't completely heartfelt. It just kind of came out. I sure mean it now though!
Who is taller? Nate
Who is smarter? Nate. Hello, med student.
Who does the laundry? Me. Pretty much ALL the time. But he's very busy with other important things! He helped me fold some tonight.
Who does the dishes? Mostly me. He's a pro at pots and pans though. And when he does clean, he does an AMAZING job. No shortcuts with him.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I used to and then we switched so I could be closer to the Pack n Play where Natalie was sleeping. Hmmm....maybe we should switch back.
Who pays the bills? I do everything except the American Express. I got booted from that job because I forgot to pay it off the month after Natalie was born. But really, it's great. One less thing for me to remember!
Who mows the lawn? Nate and one time my mom did half of it when she was here visiting. They both claim they like doing it.
Who cooks dinner? That would be me. He bakes desserts with Jansen a lot though.
Who drives when you are together? Nate
Who is more stubborn? Totally me.
Who kissed who first? Nate kissed me first. Who asked who out first? We first met on a blind date, but then Nate called me for the next date.
Who proposed? Nate.
Who has more siblings? Nate does. I am the oldest of 3. Including step brothers and sisters, Nate has 3 brothers and 4 sisters.
Who wears the pants? Hmmm. I guess we share this role.
Changing the subject...
10 years ago: I was a sophomore in high school...mostly just running around with my friends and doing crazy things.
5 Things on My To Do List Today: work on our 72 hour kits, get some laundry done, go through the mail that is piling up like the laundry, take a time out for ice cream, and blog.
I Enjoy: time to myself, soccer, basketball, all things sweet, my husband and kids, talking with girlfriends, eating out, blogging, making things, laughing, decorating, etc.
What I Would Do If I Was Suddenly a Billionaire: I don't even know where to start, but I think it would seriously be so fun to just buy people things. Drop off gift cards to anyone and everyone, buy them ice cream, fix their car, get them some perfume they want, fill up their car with gas, get them a membership somewhere, a subscription to something, etc.
5 Jobs I've Had: Emergency Essentials (basically every department), Kids Foot Locker, 2nd Grade Teacher, and I think that's it!
5. Things People Don't Know About Me: Probably nothing after my post that listed 100 things about me!
I tag Kami, Amy Tressler, Angie, Carrie, and Julie! Just choose whatever questions you want to do!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Poor Natalie. Somehow this game was invented. It's called "Throw All Natalie's Clean Laundry That Mom Never Folds, Just Keeps in The Basket Indefinitely, Onto Natalie's Head." He just laughs his little guts out when he does this to her. The last picture of Natalie totally reminds me of the garbage lady at the end of the movie Labyrinth. Remember her?
And one last story. A few mornings ago, Jansen and I were just hanging out while Natalie was still sleeping. Somehow he slipped away from my watchful eye and a few minutes later I heard through the monitor Natalie's mobile going. And then a happy little voice calls out,"I'm here!" I bounded up the stairs and found a wide eyed Natalie adjusting to the bright light Jansen had flipped on and Jansen clinging to the side of her crib. The little stinker had woken her up, but it was so cute.
Friday, February 8, 2008
My Chauvinistic Son
(That's all the toy food we have.) I sure understand his pain. Anyone want to tell me what this is? It appears to have sesame seeds.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Wow, there is some serious tagging going on in the blog world. I think I have been tagged 4 times in the last week...pretty amazing for someone who only has I think 6 friends total! :) I've kind of combined all the tags and here's what I came up with:
What is your spouse's name? Nathaniel Stephen Nye, affectionately known as Nate
How long have you been together? I'm assuming this means married: May 7, 2004! We met January of 2003.
Who eats more? He eats more when we sit down and have a meal, but I snack WAY more than him. I always tease him about the time I wanted some ice cream and I asked him if he wanted some. He said, "No thanks. I think I'll just have an apple." PLEASE. If you piled up all the food we have eaten in a lifetime I think mine would be bigger.
Who said 'I Love You' first? He did. I think I said it right back, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't completely heartfelt. It just kind of came out. I sure mean it now though!
Who is taller? Nate
Who is smarter? Nate. Hello, med student.
Who does the laundry? Me. Pretty much ALL the time. But he's very busy with other important things! He helped me fold some tonight.
Who does the dishes? Mostly me. He's a pro at pots and pans though. And when he does clean, he does an AMAZING job. No shortcuts with him.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I used to and then we switched so I could be closer to the Pack n Play where Natalie was sleeping. Hmmm....maybe we should switch back.
Who pays the bills? I do everything except the American Express. I got booted from that job because I forgot to pay it off the month after Natalie was born. But really, it's great. One less thing for me to remember!
Who mows the lawn? Nate and one time my mom did half of it when she was here visiting. They both claim they like doing it.
Who cooks dinner? That would be me. He bakes desserts with Jansen a lot though.
Who drives when you are together? Nate
Who is more stubborn? Totally me.
Who kissed who first? Nate kissed me first.
Who asked who out first? We first met on a blind date, but then Nate called me for the next date.
Who proposed? Nate.
Who has more siblings? Nate does. I am the oldest of 3. Including step brothers and sisters, Nate has 3 brothers and 4 sisters.
Who wears the pants? Hmmm. I guess we share this role.
Changing the subject...
10 years ago: I was a sophomore in high school...mostly just running around with my friends and doing crazy things.
5 Things on My To Do List Today: work on our 72 hour kits, get some laundry done, go through the mail that is piling up like the laundry, take a time out for ice cream, and blog.
I Enjoy: time to myself, soccer, basketball, all things sweet, my husband and kids, talking with girlfriends, eating out, blogging, making things, laughing, decorating, etc.
What I Would Do If I Was Suddenly a Billionaire: I don't even know where to start, but I think it would seriously be so fun to just buy people things. Drop off gift cards to anyone and everyone, buy them ice cream, fix their car, fill up their car with gas, get them a membership somewhere, a subscription to something, etc.
5 Jobs I've Had: Emergency Essentials (basically every department), Kids Foot Locker, 2nd Grade Teacher, and I think that's it!
5. Things People Don't Know About Me: Probably nothing after my post that listed 100 things about me!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Two Thumbs Up For Thumb Sucking!
So far, toe sucking has not had the same soothing effect. But a cool trick nonetheless!
Jansen's Girls
A big smile from each of them!
I think I told them to be silly in this one.
Just look at the love on Jansen's face in this one. And he's got his arms around both of them! He loves his playgroup girls. (Sounds just a tad inappropriate doesn't it?)