Friday, December 28, 2007
Perhaps a Bad Idea
Thursday, December 27, 2007
You Will Be Missed Dearly
Natalie was a champ last night though! She went to bed around 6:00! She woke up like 4 times before morning, but how can you complain with a 6:00 bedtime? And so now all of you have been updated on my children's sleeping habits. I just had to get that all out...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
A Very Merry Day
Christmas was wonderful. We were SO busy all day that we didn't even have time to think about all that we were missing out on at home. That was a good thing...I spend enough time missing Utah and family every other day of the year! I really enjoyed having a little Christmas with my little family. I loved seeing Jansen open presents and get so excited about everything. Each time he would open one he would just stop and play with it for awhile. The suspense was killing me and I had to keep shoveling the presents at him.
Look at that HOT MAMA in the back! I'm not sure who that is. But she's hot.
Natalie hanging out with her pal Connor.
Jansen loving us for forcing him to be in a picture. Look at that sweet little Julia being so cooperative.Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Family Pictures
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The Little Things
Monday, December 17, 2007
Moms Etc.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Jansen, Jansen, Jansen
- Jansen has been a hoot lately. This may be little too much information for some of you, but I thought it was hilarious so I'm sharing it. Yesterday Jansen said, "Mommy feed Jansen" and then climbed up on my lap and laid on the Boppy (as shown in the picture below.) I guess he's feeling deprived that I only nursed him for 3 months. Hah hah.
- This morning Jansen asked me to a draw a picture of Lightning McQueen on a Magna Doodle type toy. My drawings are always hideous, but he usually puts up with them. As I completed my drawing this morning, he slammed his hand down on the screen and said, "No! This is a mess!"
- Have I mentioned that Jansen loves ketchup? I caught him making this mess today, but I pretty much just let him do what he wanted because the bottle was almost empty and I knew he couldn't do too much damage. Sometimes I think kids just need to be kids.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Here We Go Again...Colds!
But winter time means fires in the fireplace and I love that. A few nights ago I sat in front of it and ate peppermint ice cream...what could be better than that! Here are some pictures of the kids SAFELY enjoying the fire. I think they are warming their toes!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
A Two Year Old + Wrapped Presents Under the Tree = Unwrapped Presents
Aunt Emily and Uncle Donnie sent some WRAPPED presents all the way out here to Ohio...I guess we got a little over excited about the package and Nate decided to put the presents under the tree where they would stay until we opened them on Christmas. Now, I just have to say that I DID see trouble a brewin' as soon as he put the presents under the tree. But I didn't want to be too bossy about where they should go AND I have a hard time not opening gifts---so if Jansen wanted to do the dirty work, I was secretly okay with it. Well, you can imagine what happened when we weren't watching. He had those things unwrapped in seconds! We loved the gifts Emily and Donnie...thank you. Jansen and I read the Seattle book before bed tonight.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
The Enchanted Express
This was our last stop before leaving and Jansen was seriously mesmerized. He stood there and waited for the train to come again over and over. He WOULD NOT leave and I wish I could have seen just how long he would have stood there.
And a little P.S. Natalie is so much happier these days. In some ways it seems like it happened over night. She sleeps in her crib at night and for naps now and I can even put her down while she is still awake (although very drowsy) and she will go to sleep on her own. It's a dream come true. She does not sleep much though---sometimes only an hour and a half all day. Nights are still pretty difficult. Her longest sleep stretch lately is only about 3 hours and she is waking every 2 or 3 hours during the night. She has really taken to her pacifier lately though and is much better at keeping it in. It seems like she channels all her crazy energy into the pacifier and for that I am so grateful.She will sit in her bouncer with the pacifier and actually be content for quite awhile! It is all so strange and unfamiliar to me that I often feel guilty like I am neglecting her or something because I can actually put her down. Sometimes I will pick her up even though she is perfectly content because I feel bad for putting her down for "so long." I know, I'm crazy. Bottom line life is really starting to feel normal again. It is so so nice.