Nate took the kids to Lowe's a few nights ago to get some stuff for the lawn. They came home with a few extra things...namely seeds. The kids were so excited to plant some tomatoes, sunflowers, and a few others I can't recall at the moment. They kept the little pots in their rooms till they sprouted, and now they are invading my counter, but how can I not let them have a place in the kitchen? Those little sprouts are bringing Jansen and Natalie such joy. Natalie thanks Heavenly Father in her prayers that her seeds are growing.
I am so supportive and happy that the kids are having this experience. I wouldn't have done it with them on my own, so I'm very grateful to Nate for the ways that he enriches our kids' lives in ways that I don't.
Speaking of dirt, Natalie wore these pants for just a couple hours one morning. And she got this dirty. Oh that girl. I was having a really rough time with her tonight. She uses a baby voice that curdles my insides, and there are a few other silly, insignificant things that drive me totally nuts. To the point where I was just closing my eyes, breathing, and literally praying to have the strength to be patient. I wanted to explode. And believe me, I didn't completely keep my cool. Now that I've had a moment to regroup, I need to go in and kiss that sweet little one and give her an extra squeeze.