I was reading
this post yesterday and found it very interesting and close to home. I think we've all read blog posts before that have made us stop and say, "How in the world does she have time for that?" Or, "Sheesh, look at that lunch...my kids had chicken nuggets again." Or, "Her girls' hair always looks so perfect!" I do it all the time! Just a couple weeks ago I got major stressed and felt kind of down for not doing more activities with my kids. So I planned some, and subsequently blogged about it because I want to record these things and share what our family has been up to with family and friends. But knowing my own self all too well, I wondered if people would think I did stuff like that with my kids EVERY day. I sure don't. They are watching TV right now. Again.
I think blogs are like a family picture. There on the screen is the beautiful finished product, like a family portrait hanging on the wall. But what you don't see is the stressful search for matching outfits, the rescheduling because of rain, the HUGE tantrum thrown in the middle of the road, the refusals to smile, the pee soaked pants from waiting too long to go potty...nevertheless you are usually able to get one good picture and that's what everyone sees.
I love blogs, personally. It's such a great resource for ideas, recipes, feeling connected, catching up, etc. I just wish I could figure out how I, and I guess we, can all still realize we are wonderful women, moms, wives, etc when seeing all the great productive things others are up to that we haven't quite attempted or mastered yet.
And yet, I don't think we should hide anything when we are successful, talented, or happy. I love seeing that kind of stuff. It makes me want to be better. I learn from the examples of others. And I'm certainly not going to lie just to avoid I don't know what...I LOVE my life, husband, and kids. I just do. Life is flippin hard most days, but I really couldn't ask for more.
Not even really sure why I'm blogging about this...maybe in a way to tell you all how much I admire you and learn from you...and to remind everyone that blog post life is not real life! Just a way to record and remember and connect and learn.